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kleinbl00  ·  3543 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Woman Who Walked Ten Thousand Miles In Three Years

I get the allure. The thing is, you get complacent like in everything else. I was hiking every weekend. It was no big deal. Until I was hiking above the snowline in shorts with 70lbs of cameras and new boots and nobody knew where I was and it was sunset and I was lost and all of a sudden I'm overlanding 6 miles outside Granite Falls so I don't have to cuddle up with my Lowepro Nova 4 as temps dip to 30.

Without little wake-up calls like that it's easy to say "I don't need this" or "I don't need that" and "it's more of an adventure without" because you don't understand that you're one wrong turn from catastrophe and that things go from "adventure" to "disaster" faster than you can even work up a sweat.

And I think it's a more common experience among people who don't sweat much.