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    Anyway, again thank you for all your time on this and thoughts, you've been nothing but encouraging whereas I had to delete posts on Reddit because people were like, "lying dirty whore" and that served to help no one.

I'm not usually one to go for name calling when I'm not super emotionally involved with the topic, lol. So you're safe from responses like you got on reddit. The thing is, everybody lies, to whom and what is really what makes those lies malicious or bad. It's easy to get away with/overlook most of the things you are dishonest about regularly because they are just kind of part of you. When you choose to be in a relationship with someone else, you have to pay attention to the things that are important to them as far as what you can and can't be morally dishonest about, as well as finding a decent compromise with where you started vs. where they want you to be.