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kleinbl00  ·  2894 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Frustrations with School

Holy senioritis, batman.

So your lack of a better plan means that you know that finishing is the good plan, you just don't enjoy it. That's good, that's empowering. That means that agency can be reclaimed simply: figure out how to enjoy school for another year.

It also sounds as if you're feeling the tug of apron strings. Have a polite sit-down with your folx and mention that you're going to stay the course, but that you are feeling helpless and overly sheltered and you want some more autonomy because it will make school feel more like an adult occupation than a childish obligation. See what they'll give you. You're effectively asking for more responsibility and if you've earned it, you'll get it.

Stay on target, Red Leader. All you need to do is get back into the groove. Trust me on this.