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oyster  ·  2301 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 21, 2018

I technicallg should go to the doctor because I clearly have a concussion but the thought of spending all that time waiting just to be told that yup, I’m right like last time seems nauseating. That time seems better spent in bed at home. I’ve resolved to take it easy for another week and not make big life choices until I’m feeling better. The hardest part is not loosing it on customers thanks to the added aggression. Classy people hand their money to the cashier, they do not just throw it down on the till. I used to be satisfied getting their change really fast so I could do the same to them and then scanning the next order fast so they get self conscious but I might snap. I know I’ve given a few dirty looks already, they just slip out.

Anyways, I can’t drink so it’s back to bed for me.