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user-inactivated  ·  534 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What have you been reading lately?

Mmkay recently..

The long way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. I was in the mood for something optimistic, and that book delivered.

On Writing by Stephen King. Next up to read, sitting on my bedside table. Just itching to get stuck in. But not before I finish..

Jade City by Fonda Lee. I'm honestly not sold on it. But it's a strange feeling. I know this book is objectively well written. The characters are nuanced, there's some solid world building and political intrigue but.. I just don't care about the characters. I don't know why, but I'll finish it. I just likely won't read the rest.

A Memory called Empire by Arkady Martine. Sci-fi, aztec "inspired", political intrigue and a subtle romance. I'm a sucker for a romance sub-plot. The sequel just arrived in the mail for me to tuck into!

I'm reading whatever I can get my mitts on to be honest. Got some books about ADHD and anxiety for my partner to read over, following her recent diagnosis. Will tuck into those too.