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lil  ·  4042 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Update: Two tags

    As you have noticed, I frequently ask users to add a specific second tag. Of course it creates more intimacy when they oblige - yet still somehow avoid sharing. But "Hubski Loneliness" is a topic for another day.
As you can see, I was defining "Hubski Loneliness" as intimacy without sharing. Like having sex without kissing.

Oh dear - what have I started -- and here I'm trying to pack for France. So mk, thenewgreen, and _refugee_: hubski is the best, most supportive, awesome community ever. Just look at the six great tips I got for visiting Paris in the springtime. The Hubski Loneliness thought - as I said, a topic that I need to develop more for another day - was about how people might sometimes visit a post, add an interesting comment or two, discuss it with others, like here for example, but not share it, or here where five different people commented, but only two people shared. I'm a little curious about that and wanted to explore more, but not now. (Maybe people figure if tng shares, they don't have to, esp of they have zero followers. On the other hand, shares might be part of the magic formula that gets a dot on the wheel.)

I think there's something going on that I don't quite understand. It might be related to why so many college students are appalled when they get low grades and tons of corrections on English essays in classes I used to teach. They used to come to me weeping, saying "I got 90s on all my essays in high school." So I asked the high school teachers why they were giving 90s to papers that were FULL OF grammatical and spelling errors.

They said: "We mark for self-esteem."

"Even senior essays?"

"Yes," they said. "Even senior essays."

I wonder if Hubski sharing is something like not marking for self-esteem. Although I know that tng works specifically on building Hubski self-esteem. Tee hee. It's a much bigger topic than I have time to explore here. I'll read your responses from the wi-fi feed at the airport.