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thenewgreen  ·  4543 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pet Furniture
I agree that the presentation has a lot to do with the "repulsion", which btw I experienced too. It starts with the fact that the apartment is barren and unhappy looking, the man is sullen and dark eyed. In no way do you get the impression that his amorphous bean bag pet has made him happy in any way. Throw in a piano and a cello and bam!... you've got creepiness.

Now, make his apartment a fun place with a normal family, have a kid that begs for a dog and a mom and dad that say no but bring home the happy-brean bag, add some cheesy up-beat commercial music and Bam!.... You've got a solid marketing campaign. You'll sell millions

I call it, the emotipet :)