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comment by sounds_sound
sounds_sound  ·  4544 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pet Furniture
Grubjob? That's good. I guess it's better than sticking your ding-dong down the vacuum hose. Seriously though, I do think there is some kind of validity to this thing. When I first saw it, I was instantly reminded of Temple Grandin's Hug Machine:


I mean, you're right in pointing out the implicit creepiness of this thing but part of that I think has to do with the fucking weirdo German's that made this video. On the other hand though, I think that the virtual haptic experience is something we humans will increasingly normalize. Just think of the back massaging chair, or the, gulp, vibrating bed. In an era where people have computer generated wives and acquire emotional attachment to their iPhones, maybe - for some people out their - this weird blob of unrequited love is just the thing to keep them from the deep end.

mk  ·  4543 days ago  ·  link  ·  

In an era where people have computer generated wives and acquire emotional attachment to their iPhones, maybe - for some people out their - this weird blob of unrequited love is just the thing to keep them from the deep end.

That might be so. But I'd like to think that technology will tend to satisfy our needs in ways that bring us together more easily, rather than console us in isolation.

But, I don't know... You are right that these are going to be complicated issues when we have sentient non-biological beings that we are interacting with in meaningful ways. I think this beanbag thing succeeds in evoking feelings related to these issues. But, hell if I am going to have one of these things slinking around my house. It doesn't need to pulsate. Can you imagine if R2D2 pulsated? He would be totally ruined.

thenewgreen  ·  4543 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I agree that the presentation has a lot to do with the "repulsion", which btw I experienced too. It starts with the fact that the apartment is barren and unhappy looking, the man is sullen and dark eyed. In no way do you get the impression that his amorphous bean bag pet has made him happy in any way. Throw in a piano and a cello and bam!... you've got creepiness.

Now, make his apartment a fun place with a normal family, have a kid that begs for a dog and a mom and dad that say no but bring home the happy-brean bag, add some cheesy up-beat commercial music and Bam!.... You've got a solid marketing campaign. You'll sell millions

I call it, the emotipet :)

fr33lunch  ·  4542 days ago  ·  link  ·  
thenewgreen  ·  4542 days ago  ·  link  ·  
HA! Perfect example of presentation. I once saw the "Cos" do standup at Eastern Michigan University. He basically sat on a stool and told stories for an hour or so. -It was great.
fr33lunch  ·  4542 days ago  ·  link  ·  
His story telling is genius. I have never had the opportunity to see him perform live, but I bet it is amazing. He was definitely a game changer. I have always thought that his ability to tell the story or make a joke without cursing and swearing and yet still be edgy was inspiring. It's not a knock on those that do, because I still laughed at Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy, but just an increased level of respect for his talent.

On the note of Cosby and irreverence, you should check out The House of Cosby's on Channel 101. Freaking hilarious.

easynow  ·  4536 days ago  ·  link  ·  
House of Cosby is great.
thenewgreen  ·  4542 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I used to have to go to a business networking group for a previous job. One of the people in the group was a "storyteller" by profession. Every day we'd go around the circle and let everyone there know what type of "help" we were looking for from the group. The "storyteller" was always the most tongue-tied. -I found this hilarious.