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comment by blackbootz
blackbootz  ·  2837 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I'm back! And, alive! Not that I wouldn't be.

Woah, woops. I meant 71 push-ups in two minutes. Ha! That would be fucking insane. I edited the original.

Right now I've relegated all weight lifting to a point in the future where I'm nearer a gym that I like. In the meantime it's been all soccer, school, and, of course, sleep. Amen to the sleep. I can't recommend enough power napping if you're the kind of person who can, which it sounds like you are. I set my phone alarm for 30 minutes, mute it, and in about 10 minutes I'm drifting, and I wake up superhumanly refreshed. The people who complain about feeling groggy after naps I find are generally doing it for more than 30 minutes. Hours in some cases. That's no bueno.

By the way, that reading list is seriously awesome. I've read Kavalier and Clay and it's one of the top 10 best books I've ever read. And I'm a big fan of David McCullough. You have some great people looking out for you.

nowaypablo  ·  2837 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's still fire, especially considering that they're military. Your triceps will thank you.

Thanks for getting me hype about these books! I took leave this weekend to go home for labor day, hope to get started on the McCullough. I read the first pages of Kavalier and it seems cool but I will never get to read a book of that size this semester :(