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comment by kleinbl00

Holy shit it's Titan Aerospace

    On May 1, 2015, the sole SOLARA 50, registration number N950TA, flew for four minutes and sixteen seconds before impacting the ground following an in-flight structural failure. The aircraft reached an altitude of approximately 520 feet above ground level.

Holy shit it's mortgage fraud

I mean, never mind their potato gun. These guys failed to build a drone 20 years after the Predator took to the sky and failed to stay out of jail in an era where AIG got a hundred eighty billion dollars of bailout.


veen  ·  668 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    But the Physics of Spinlaunch is good enough for The Brothers Yaney to gain the backing of New Mexico political leaders. Once NM politicians were reeled in, then the big investors follow again by more politicians. So far, The Brothers Yaney have secured $110 million in investor support and now $2.5 million in additional state money.

these mofos are getting 110 mil on their second round of bullshit and I'm the one with imposter syndrome??!?

kleinbl00  ·  668 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Fourth. Fourth round of bullshit. First there was the roughly $10m in mortgage fraud (followed by 18 months in the federal pen), then there was "drones plus wifi equals Google overpays me", then there was this ridiculous nightmare, now they're at "doorbells that sell insurance."

I want to show you a little slice of the man's own LinkedIn page:

veen  ·  667 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I’m sure he’s the kind of person to never ponder why the whole college dropout thing never happens in aerospace startups.

kleinbl00  ·  667 days ago  ·  link  ·  

haha like it's held him back

b_b  ·  668 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I guess that’s the upside of being a sociopath. You feel no imposter syndrome (i.e., shame).