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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  348 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I wish Hubski was popular as a Reddit alternative.

Meh. It’s like wishing your local coffee shop was as popular as Starbucks. We can definitely handle more traffic, but also don’t think expansion is on the horizon.

Andy_B_Goode  ·  345 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's more like "I wish my local coffee shop was open for more than 45 minutes a day".

I can easily log on to reddit multiple times per day and find fresh content every time. I log on to hubski once or twice a week and still see the same thing the last time I was here (case in point: I'm replying to a 3-day-old comment, which would be pretty unusual on reddit, but here it's near the top of my feed).

Granted, at this point I think reddit is too big, to the point that good content gets drowned out by silly memes, but there's a sweet spot in terms of content/activity/userbase/etc., and hubski is way, way below it at this point in time.