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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  218 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 25, 2023

Rugby World Cup final this weekend. NZ vs South Africa - the old foe. The winner will lift the Cup for a record 4th time, though NZ have undergone quite the redemption arc. 12 months ago NZ had lost a home series to Ireland (first time that's happened) a first home loss to Argentina, as well as record points loss against South Africa. Looking back even further, the last four years have felt like the swansong of the dominant era of NZ rugby. First loss to Ireland, first loss to Argentina. England in the 2019 World Cup dismantled NZ so thoroughly I think the psychic damage is still being felt. I'd never seen a team unstitch us so effectively.

The coach and the captain were on the chopping block, but in the space of a year they've turned it around. They nearly put 100 points past Italy, toppled No. 1 Ireland, breezed past a fiesty Argentina and will now face the big dogs in the final.

Uhh yeah. Rugby rah rah.

Two months into Spring aaand it's snowing outside my office window. Fingers crossed it starts to settle and my boss tells me to go home, I'll start the weekend early.