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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  69 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The New "Over the Top" Secret Plan on How Fascists Could Win in 2024

No, fuck you, too. You don't fucking quibble over specifics, you ignore everything I fucking say so you can find some corner that allows you to be crazy. Here's what I fucking said to you THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO

    You've got some decisions to make, my friend. Because between the way the politics are going and the way the environment is going, you're in Taliban country.

    And I don't see a mechanism by which things get better.

I believe what I say and I say what I mean and you know what? What I've been saying is pretty consistent. I can look back on my wild-eyed bullshit ideas from ten years ago and go "mmmyeah, pretty much" about 98% of the time. So it's not fucking optimism - it's a studied assessment of the situation at hand as I see it and understand it, and I share that.

And 99% of the time it fuckin' whooshes right the fuck over your head because you're too busy trying to find some reason to freak out.

Spiritedness is fine but when you fucking put words into my mouth for fucking jollies it's fucking over.

I'm fucking sick of this shit and I don't fucking deserve it.

am_Unition  ·  69 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I didn't mean to imply that your optimism is tainting the accuracy of your predictions or something, I just meant that you seem to be better than I at internalizing what we're all facing (especially with framing it in historical contexts), and carrying on. Because yeah, when I look at threads from three years ago, we're all saying a lot of the same stuff. We all knew SCOTUS would go theocratic fundamentalist, but I, personally, didn't see them bending over backwards to accommodate an insurrectionist to this degree. It's seems worthy of a small freak out.

I do listen to you. I change my mind frequently. Like obviously JD Vance isn't entertaining enough to lead MAGA, and if I sit down and think about it for two minutes, yeah. And maybe I do get a li'l panicky sometimes, but some of it's because America writ large is almost 100% aloof, and I'm at least subconsciously trying to compensate. Sometimes consciously. But my panic and outrage is never directed towards you. Or anyone else on the 'ski. Except for once when I got pretty mad at b_b over trans rights, peace'd out for a bit, got over it, and came back.

I haven't put any words in your mouth. I appreciate your contributions. But honestly, yes, sometimes I struggle to figure out what it is I've said that you disagree with, or why you're upset with me. If I really upset you so much, and so often? You don't have to talk to me, dude. I enjoy our discussions, but if it's taking some kind of toll on you, then I guess you can mute me or something, but it's not like there are more than 7 people on this website anymore, so that sucks.